KamPages Designer & CMS



A note about pasting HTML markup and Javascript.
For security reasons, in this demo any HTML markup that is typed or pasted into a column will be 'neutralised' and Javascript code will not run.
However, in the non-demo version, it will be possible to paste functional Javascript into either column.
We believe that this will allow Google Ads to run. Note, however, that this has not been tested and is not guaranteed.

Content Management System


Acccess to this program is via a login requiring both a username and a password. The username and password can be different from those used to gain access to the designer program.


A sidebox is a separate area that can contain text or images or both. The purpose is usually to highlight some special features or information. See the Boxes page (navigation bar above) for more information on the properties you can set.


The font family and text size are set at the design stage. Here you can make the text bold and/or italic. You can also choose from a limited range of colours.

There is a full range of text-alignment options, including 'fill and justify'.
The most common accents and diacritics found in Western European languages are supported.
Superscripts and subscripts are also supported.


There are 3 header formats. In decreasing size order they are: h1, h2, h3.

Email and webpage links

Both of these are supported, using a simple dialogue box.


You can upload as many images as you want. They are all stored in one folder; the contents of this folder are shown as a list and, in a pop-up, as a set of small thumbnails. You can add a favicon here, too; make sure the image name is favicon.ico.
The name of logo image has to contain the word 'logo'.
The logo and favicon images do not appear in the pop-up display.
Please note that uploading images will reload the page and so you will lose any unsaved work.

New lines

If you want some text to be on another line, you must specify where the new line is to start; there are several ways of doing this.

  • paragraph. Select all the text for the paragraph and click on 'paragraph' in the formatting panel.
  • new line (after). This adds a smaller gap between lines than you get with the paragraph option. Select the last few characters of the text and click on 'new line (after)' in the formatting panel.
  • force new line (before). This option is useful when you find text is appearing round the sides of images or sideboxes when this is not what you want. Select a few characters at the beginning of the text and click on 'force new line (before)' in the formatting menu.


You can make a bulleted list - just like this one.

  • Type in the first item, select it and click on 'list(item)' in the formatting menu.
  • Repeat for each item.
  • Then select all the items, including the markup at the begining and end, and click on 'list(block)' in the formatting panel.
design: KamPages.eu